Monday, March 9, 2009

31st year of happiness!

Subhanallah...i cant believe it...i'm now 31!

When I was 16, I would never thought that one day, I could been given a chance to reach at this particular age. I must say, it's quite a journey, that I treasured so much! I thank Allah for what I am today; 31 years of wisdom, I couldn't be asking more. Nevertheless, happiness itself is a unique term. It is a time when you welcome adversity as a true test from Allah SWT, try hard to view it from a different angle and find something good out of it Syukur and Sabar.....may Allah lead us to the right path that embodies happiness both in this world and hereafter, insya Allah.

the sweetest gift comes from the sweetest family i ever met!
the sweetest gift comes from the sweetest family i ever met!

To all my friends, thanks for all the lovely wishes! May Allah grant all of our prayers, amin. Personally, I would like to thank my dearest Huda for the lovely cardigan, and also to Byla and her family for making it special~ hug~ i love you guys! Hope you will love my humble token though ;-)

More to come soon, insya Allah. Please bear with me, together we will make this life as a magical journey :-) Laters~